Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Wonderful Week Ahead

Last week was great and I am eagerly looking forward to this one! So many exciting things are going on.  Our class has been working very hard in preparation for the poetry slam, we welcomed a new student, and enjoyed putting our new ipad to use. In math we have moved into a fractions unit and had a lot of fun playing some fraction games. 

This week, College & Career Day is on, Tuesday. Students who have not received any referral in the last month will get to choose between art, computer time, board games, and P.E.. It is wonderful to be able to reward students who have worked hard the entire month on being safe, respectful, and responsible. 

Friday is the 4th Grade's, Winter Wonderland Poetry Slam. It starts at 1:15 P.M. I am in search of one or two volunteers to help out with the set up, clean up, and hot chocolate making! Please contact me A.S.A.P. if you can help out. I sent home a flyer but will also post it on here. Another great way to help out is to donate treats. It really makes this event special! Don't hesitate to have your child invite Grandma/Grandpa or Aunts/Uncles, especially if you are unable to attend. Following the poetry slam is the 4/5th Grade Musical Performance at 2:30 P.M. We hope you can stick around to see what they have been diligently workin on! 

The secret word for this week is, "welcome." We are very excited to welcome our new student! 

Thanks for all that you do!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12/11/13 By Sebastian

Today in math we learned about fractions. Fractions can be part of a set, part of a whole, and they can be on a number line. We had a book club  and me and my friend read the book, Holes. Then we read the Iroquois. When we were In language we were reading  Because of Winn -Dixie . When we were in music we were singing my favorite song, "Reason for a season." Then in writing we were writing  persuasive writing. After that we went to recess and lit  menu.

12/10/13 By Maritza

In the morning, Mrs.Creason showed us the new Ipad she bought for our classroom. Everybody was so exited about the new Ipad! We got our math folders out to work on our packets. Then we went to reading groups. After reading groups we did our math packets to learn about quadrilaterals. After that we did reading on the Iriquoi nations. We had to write the main idea, three supporting details, and what was important to the Iriquoi's nation. After that we washed our hands so we could go to lunch. For lunch we had tacos, pizza, and sandwich. We went to language groups after lunch. Then we had library. We read, "How the grinch stole Christmas." After library, we did writing. We had to finish our writing prompt about how to convince Mrs.Bainbridge to go on a field trip that has to do with fun and education. After writing, we went to recess. We went to lit menu after recess. Then we cleaned up, and went home. 


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Exciting News!

Our "new" IPAD is here! I am looking forward to getting it into the hands of kiddos!  Thank you so much for the donations. It will be put to good use! I am also excited to announce that our Winter Wonderland Poetry Slam is *tentatively* scheduled for Friday, December 20th around 1:00/1:15 PM. Following the poetry slam will be the 4th/5th Grade Music Performance at 2:30 PM. I will get the details for the poetry slam to you as soon as possible. We will be needing volunteers for this event, as well as cookie/snack donations. I am so excited, this event was one of my favorite events from last year!

The cold weather is upon us! Please send your child to school each day with a warm coat, hat, and gloves if you own them. If you have jackets, gloves, or hats your children have outgrown or no longer use, donations are greatly appreciated. They may be dropped off at the main office. 

This week went by very quickly and included many tests. We are aggresively moving through our math topics. Oaks testing is scheduled to begin mid January and we are working hard to be confidently prepared for success! 

This weeks secret word is "iPad." Thanks for all that you do! 

Student work showcase: Great job working out each problem, Maritza!

An intense game of, "Cleaning out the back yard."

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Today was awesome! The first thing is that we practiced some math problems with are white boards. Then we went to reading groups. When we came back we did math for math we all went to the computer lab to take a math test! We went to lunch to grab are plates  and then we went to the classroom with Mrs.Creason because it was girls lunch!!! Then we went to language groups. We went to the assembly after language groups. In the assembly we learned about DI, which is Destination Imagination. After that  we did writing. In writing we were learning about persuasive writing! We then went to lit menu and we came back, got our coats and bags. Then we went home!!  ;)
