Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3rd Quarter Fun

The 3rd quarter will be over on Thursday; how quickly it has gone! This week we wrapped up our unit on geometry. We have been learning about Oregon's geography and continue to work hard on the Common Core State Standards in reading and writing. On Tuesday, the class celebrated College & Career Day. Unfortunately, I was out sick but I am certain everyone had a good time at the Gator Buck Store and the Greater Gator Celebration for students who didn't receive any referrals this last month. 

Spirit week has been a huge success, don't forget tomorrow is pajama day! I am also excited to report that student council raised over $90 for hat day!  I hope everyone has a safe and restful Spring Break. The secret word for this week is, "break." Thank you for being so patient with all of my recent technological difficulties! 

Things You Need to Know

The last round of OAKS testing will begin around April 15th

Your child should have math homework Monday-Thursday night (if they do NOT attend After School Math.) 

Your child needs to be reading for at least 20 minutes each night (and part of that time needs to be out loud.)

Family Fun Night is Thursday, March 20th from 5:30-8:30 at the Middle Scool Gym

Family Literacy Night is coming soon to Aiken

Thanks for all that you do!

~Katy Creason



Monday, March 17, 2014

Another Great Week

Another great week is coming to an end. This week was a busy one as usual. In writing we wrapped up our figurative language unit. In reading we have been working on a character and setting summary. We also have been studying natural gas in science and even completed a mini science experiment. In math we finished our unit on algebra and are now studying geometry. 

One of the most exciting parts of this week was the NED assembly. What a great message! I am excited about the enthusiasm students have for "never giving up, doing your best, and encouraging others." The assembly was incredibly fun!

Tomorrow, (Friday) is pay 50 cents to wear a hat day. Students need to buy a sticker in the gym before school in order to participate in this event. This is just one of the fundraising events student council is putting on. 

Spirit week- Next week is spirit week. Dress up each day to show your school spirit!

Monday- "green day"

Tuesday- "career day" Dress like you would for the career you want to have as a grown-up.

Wednesday- "sports day" Wear your favorite sports gear or team's attire.

Thursday-"pajama day" 

The secret word this week is, "spirit."

Thanks for all that you do!

~Katy Creason


Sunday, March 9, 2014

More Technological Difficulties

This weeks technological problems have left me without internet at home (for an entire week now.) the school internet will not allow me to upload my blog posts onto the internet, so this last weeks post was delayed. It is also brought to you by the lovely wireless internet at McDonalds! 

This last week was a busy week like usual. In writing we have been working through a figurative language unit and in math we have been working through solving algebraic equations. Both units have been greatly enjoyed by students! It is awesome to see how excited they are as they use inverse operations to isolate a variable and solve an algebraic equation. (Algebra is my favorite!) We will review this content and probably take the unit test Monday or Tuesday. 

This week we have an exciting assembly on Thursday. The "NED" Show is coming. NED stands for "Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best." Certainly, some great principles to live by! The student council at Aiken is also implementing their first fund raiser, "pay to wear a hat day." The cost will be 50 cents and this will take place on Friday. I am looking forward to this! 

If anyone is interested in volunteering, I can use help daily from 11:10-11:50 AM. You would be helping out a few students during our reading time and maybe a few other jobs as needed. Please don't hesitate to volunteer, I would be privileged to have you! Even if you can just come once a week or whenever you have spare time, it would be greatly beneficial. 

The secret word this week is, "NED." Thanks for all that you do!

~Katy Creason


Monday, March 3, 2014

Yikes! Technological Difficulties

Thanks to some great students, I found out my blog posts were not making it from the Ipad onto the Internet for you to view. My appologies! I will work hard to keep this from happening again. 

I would like to start the week off by saying thank you to everyone who was able to help volunteer at the Jog-a-thon on Friday. Great job! Our students did a fabulous job and had an excellent time too. 

Today, we began learning about equations in math and will work on this unit into next week. In writing we have been working on figurative language. During reading we have been studying a story called, "Akiak," which is about a sled dog team running the Iditarod. I would like to bring your attention to the fact that your child has homework Monday-Thursday night. 20 minutes of reading and a math skill worksheet. I encourage readers to read out loud for at least 5-10 minutes of their reading time. This is important for building word reading fluency. 

The secret word this week is, "yikes." Thanks for all that you do, and for reading our classroom blog. My hope is that it encourages conversations about school with your child, all the while keeping you informed and involved in your students life. Thanks!



In the morning we had to finish some math problems. We sang the metric karaoke song in the morning also. Then we went to reading. In math we reviewed how to solve measurement problems. Then we did reading with my classmates. We were reading Akiak, and Mrs.Creason asked us questions, she also asked us to write a summary. We had lunch and recess. We also went to language groups. We also had our specials, and our special was music. We did writing. During writing we were learning about the differences between figurative language and literal language. We had recess next. Then we had lit menu. After that we had recess. Then we cleaned up and went home. 


Thank you for the wonderful and informative blogpost Maritza! We have had an exciting and busy week. Friday we will be participating in our annual jog-a-thon. If you are available to volunteer please call the office and speak with Mrs. Del Rio. This weeks secret word is, Jog-a-thon. Thanks for all that you do!