Friday, September 27, 2013


The theme this week is collaboration! The class has been working together fantastically! This amazing group of students have formed together as one strong learning community. In writing we have been working side by side, sorting details and forming paragraphs with strong verbs and descriptive attributes. 

We also were able to celebrate being safe, respectful, and responsible at the Gator Buck Store. Students receive Gator Bucks for being safe, respectful, and responsible and then on College & Career Day each month they get the opportunity to go shopping at the Gator Store. The class also can receive "Class Gators" for great behavior and after receiving ten we have some sort of celebration. Today we celebrated 10 Class Gators with a computer game party. Celebrating success sure is fun!

This year at Aiken we will also be having a monthly celebration for students who have not received any referrals that month. This will take place on College & Carrer Day. Students whom receive one or more referrals will attend a class during this time to help them work on becoming a Greater Gator. Keep encouraging your students to be safe, respectful, and responsible! The fourth grade is also working on a Great Behavior Goal of not receiving more than 99 referrals as a group. I know if they work as a team they can do it! 

A few things to remember:

Next week are conferences! I look forward to seeing you!

Cookie dough orders need to be turned in October 1st.

I am looking for speakers to come talk to our class on the next College & Career Day.

This weeks secret word is collaboration! 

A successful trip to the Gator Store! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Busy Week

This week was a fast one for me. Unfortunately, I had to miss the last half of the school week to attend a funeral service. I am so greatful to have an excellent group of students that have welcomed and adjusted to having a guest teacher while I am gone. They truly are an amazing group of kids! 

On Tuesday we celebrated and learned about Constitution Day, be sure and ask your students what Constitution Day is all about. We also had our first Master of Multiplication test. Several students are very close to becoming Masters of Multiplication. We must all keep working hard at memorizing our facts. I cannot stress the importance of this enough.

Next week College & Career Day is on Friday. If anyone is interested in coming and speaking to our class please email me at  Next week students will also be starting language groups. 

This weeks secret word is, Constitution. Thank you so much for supporting your child's education, I look forward to teaching them next week!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Another Great Week!

I can't believe how fast the weeks are flying by! The year is off to a wonderful start and our learning community is really coming together nicely. This week we continued to collaborate together with the other fourth grade class on the solar oven project. The students first tested their ovens and then created a re-design and tested again. 100 percent of students achieved success with their re-design! The highest temperature recorded at 101.6 degrees Fahrenheit!

A big thanks to those who were able to make it to the multiplication class, I know it was well worth your time! We continue to work each day on being able to quickly recall our multiplication facts. This week we also had our first math test. Students are tracking their pre and post tests so we can celebrate learning gains and success! 

Calling all volunteers! If you are available to volunteer please get the proper paperwork filled out and turned into the office. We will have some volunteer opportunities coming up and I am looking forward to working with you!

Stuff You Need to Know- 

Starting in October there will be a monthly reward/celebration for students that do not receive a referral all month. Encourage your students to continue being safe, respectful, and responsible. 

College and Career Day is September 27th and if you would like to come be a guest speaker in our classroom please email or call me! 

This weeks secret word is "reward." :-) 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Open House

Open house was a great success! A huge thanks to everyone who was able to come visit room 9. If you were unable to come I look forward to meeting with you at conferences! It was wonderful to see students excitedly sharing what they have been learning. The solar oven project is a favorite! 

Please take a look around our classroom blog. I will be making a post each week and invite you and your child to regularly check it. I have added some links to popular educational sites and strongly encourage students to regularly use these. 

This week I would like to share with you the importance of your child learning his/her multiplication facts. I cannot stress the importance of knowing these facts enough! A child should be able to say a fact as quickly as he/she can answer their name. 

Each morning we have been working on our multiplication facts and we also have a "fact of the day" that we work to memorize. One way you can help support your child is by asking them the "fact of the day" each night. We also play games and use other strategies to help memorize our facts. Ask your child to teach you to play and help them practice. Together we can help your child become successful at multiplication facts.

Next week you and your child will have the opportunity to attend a multiplication fact class taught by the wonderful Mr. Wyborney. Students that attend will receive 7 gator bucks from me! This is an event you won't want to miss!  This class will be on Thursday September 12th and starts at 6:30 PM. 

I also would like to encourage students to be regularly reading our class blog. Each week I will have some type of code word or fact. If your child comes and tells me the code or fact he/she will receive 1 gator buck. Hint: This weeks word is italicized. :)