Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Wonderful Week Ahead

Last week was great and I am eagerly looking forward to this one! So many exciting things are going on.  Our class has been working very hard in preparation for the poetry slam, we welcomed a new student, and enjoyed putting our new ipad to use. In math we have moved into a fractions unit and had a lot of fun playing some fraction games. 

This week, College & Career Day is on, Tuesday. Students who have not received any referral in the last month will get to choose between art, computer time, board games, and P.E.. It is wonderful to be able to reward students who have worked hard the entire month on being safe, respectful, and responsible. 

Friday is the 4th Grade's, Winter Wonderland Poetry Slam. It starts at 1:15 P.M. I am in search of one or two volunteers to help out with the set up, clean up, and hot chocolate making! Please contact me A.S.A.P. if you can help out. I sent home a flyer but will also post it on here. Another great way to help out is to donate treats. It really makes this event special! Don't hesitate to have your child invite Grandma/Grandpa or Aunts/Uncles, especially if you are unable to attend. Following the poetry slam is the 4/5th Grade Musical Performance at 2:30 P.M. We hope you can stick around to see what they have been diligently workin on! 

The secret word for this week is, "welcome." We are very excited to welcome our new student! 

Thanks for all that you do!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12/11/13 By Sebastian

Today in math we learned about fractions. Fractions can be part of a set, part of a whole, and they can be on a number line. We had a book club  and me and my friend read the book, Holes. Then we read the Iroquois. When we were In language we were reading  Because of Winn -Dixie . When we were in music we were singing my favorite song, "Reason for a season." Then in writing we were writing  persuasive writing. After that we went to recess and lit  menu.

12/10/13 By Maritza

In the morning, Mrs.Creason showed us the new Ipad she bought for our classroom. Everybody was so exited about the new Ipad! We got our math folders out to work on our packets. Then we went to reading groups. After reading groups we did our math packets to learn about quadrilaterals. After that we did reading on the Iriquoi nations. We had to write the main idea, three supporting details, and what was important to the Iriquoi's nation. After that we washed our hands so we could go to lunch. For lunch we had tacos, pizza, and sandwich. We went to language groups after lunch. Then we had library. We read, "How the grinch stole Christmas." After library, we did writing. We had to finish our writing prompt about how to convince Mrs.Bainbridge to go on a field trip that has to do with fun and education. After writing, we went to recess. We went to lit menu after recess. Then we cleaned up, and went home. 


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Exciting News!

Our "new" IPAD is here! I am looking forward to getting it into the hands of kiddos!  Thank you so much for the donations. It will be put to good use! I am also excited to announce that our Winter Wonderland Poetry Slam is *tentatively* scheduled for Friday, December 20th around 1:00/1:15 PM. Following the poetry slam will be the 4th/5th Grade Music Performance at 2:30 PM. I will get the details for the poetry slam to you as soon as possible. We will be needing volunteers for this event, as well as cookie/snack donations. I am so excited, this event was one of my favorite events from last year!

The cold weather is upon us! Please send your child to school each day with a warm coat, hat, and gloves if you own them. If you have jackets, gloves, or hats your children have outgrown or no longer use, donations are greatly appreciated. They may be dropped off at the main office. 

This week went by very quickly and included many tests. We are aggresively moving through our math topics. Oaks testing is scheduled to begin mid January and we are working hard to be confidently prepared for success! 

This weeks secret word is "iPad." Thanks for all that you do! 

Student work showcase: Great job working out each problem, Maritza!

An intense game of, "Cleaning out the back yard."

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Today was awesome! The first thing is that we practiced some math problems with are white boards. Then we went to reading groups. When we came back we did math for math we all went to the computer lab to take a math test! We went to lunch to grab are plates  and then we went to the classroom with Mrs.Creason because it was girls lunch!!! Then we went to language groups. We went to the assembly after language groups. In the assembly we learned about DI, which is Destination Imagination. After that  we did writing. In writing we were learning about persuasive writing! We then went to lit menu and we came back, got our coats and bags. Then we went home!!  ;)


Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Today's guest blogger is Eutimio:

Today was a great day at school because we got to learn about college and careers. I learned stuff about theater, hospitals, and T.V. Stations. In math we learned about long division and Mr. Wyborney showed us a faster way using pictures. Then we went to lunch. I ate nachos. Then we went to library. We had a gator Activity celebration for not getting a refferal all month. I chose to go to the computer lab to play games. There were other activities to chose from like art and basketball. Today was a great day!


This weeks secret word is "Guest." I appreciate and look forward to really letting room 9 take ownership over the blog. Please remind your students to turn in their reading calendars on Monday. Also, I will be needing some volunteers to help out with our Winter Wonderland Poetry Slam. Everyone will be invited to attend. I will post the details as soon as possible, but if you are available to help please let me know. Thanks and enjoy the extra long weekend! 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Learning Community

As I reflect on the week by scrolling through pictures on our classroom Ipad, the classroom learning community that has been created comes to life. What an amazing group of kids that have come together to tackle problems and discover answers as a team. 

In the next few weeks, I look forward to posting student work and allowing some "guest" bloggers. This week Mayson wrote, "Today we got to go and sing with the other class (during music). Yesterday, we watched a movie about not giving up on our dreams. We also learned how to do division with pictures and it was so fun!" 

Next week is a short week and will also include College & Career Day. Students who have gone the month without receiving a referral have been given the choice to sign up to attend either Art, Computer Time, or a Physical Activity. Encourage your student to work hard at being safe, respectful, and responsible. 

This weeks secret word is "community." Thanks for all that you do! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Nov. 12th-15th

I am truly baffled at how quickly the weeks are going by! This week has been a lot of fun. In math we have been working on two digit multiplication. In social studies we have been studying the nine federally recognized tribes of Oregon. In P.E. we played a personal favorite, basketball. In writing, we have began a personal narrative unit. This week also marked the beginning of "Lit Menu." This is a time where students are able to experience a variety of literacy based classes. My Lit Menu class is utilizing the Read Live program in the computer lab. Even after just a week, I have seen tremendous progress! It is rewarding to watch students build fluency in daily practice. Be sure to ask your child what he/she is doing during lit menu. 

This week I also had the privilege of participating in a learning call with other bloggers from the tech connect project. It was wonderful to hear about the great things that are happening around the state as families connect with their child through a blog. I also was able to take away some wonderful ideas and resources that I am looking forward to putting to use. Stay tuned! 

This weeks secret word is: blog. 

Thanks for all that you do!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Problem Solving

As I reflect on the week, one main theme becomes clear; problem solving. Being able to problem solve is a huge skill for everyday life. As I think about our week, our problem solving was mainly centered around the area of mathematics. Although our problem solving was directly related to academics, there is a direct correlation in the skills used that relate themselves to problem solving in all different aspects of life.

The first idea we discovered is: Solving problems can be very challenging because it takes hard work. Answers don't come instantly. We have to work hard at a problem in order to be able to solve it. The next idea we uncovered is that: In order to be succesful we must know lots of different strategies. In math our strategies include: draw a picture, guess and check, write an equation, act it out, use manipulatives, and work backwards. The third idea we found is probably the most difficult: We must persevere with determination. 

It was rewarding to watch students as they applied these problem solving principles and successfully solved some very challenging math problems. The true success being the application of these principles. What a rewarding week!

This weeks secret word is "determination."

Things you need to know:

Students should be reading 20 minutes each school night. Reading calendars are due at the end of the month. Self managers will lose their badges if they do not turn in their reading calendar at the end of November (Self managers must be responsible.)

After school math has started and we are having a blast! 

The weather is getting colder, please make sure your child is dressed accordingly.  

Thanks for all that you do!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

2nd Quarter Fun!

What a fantastic week. On Tuesday, we had our non-referral party. The "improv party" was a blast! It was exciting to see students exploring creative drama in such a fun way. On Thursday we also had a great time at our harvest party. A big thanks for all the treats brought in! We also worked very hard this week. We have been working on publishing stories for a writing contest. In math we wrapped up our unit on two digit by one digit multiplication and have began studying variables and expressions. We also ended our study on the Iroquois Constituition and flag by creating our own classroom flags. Next week we will begin our novel study with the book, Eagle Song. 

As the new month begins, please remember to have your child fill out his/her reading log.  We are participating in Pizza Huts Book It program and your child will receive a certificate for a free pizza when their reading calendar is returned. I am always looking for classroom volunteers so please let me know if you are available. This weeks secret word is "read." 

Thanks for all that you do! 

Friday, October 25, 2013

First Quarter Finished!

Where has time gone? Our first quarter is in the books and report cards will be coming home on Wednesday. Remember that in accordance to Oregon Law our reporting system has changed. Grades are based on proficiency at grade level standards. Students will have multiple opportunities to show proficiency at these standards. In reading students should be reading 120 correct words per minute to be proficient right now and that number will raise through the rest if the year. Please encourage your child to practice reading out loud every school night. 

This week we worked hard at multiplication. We have also been working on our stories for the Library writing contest. The highlight of the week was getting to attend the Young People's Concert at T.V.C.C. What a great time getting to listen to talented musicians! Thanks for all of the support at the box top bake sale; it was a huge success! 

Tuesday is college and career day as well as our non-referral party. We are looking forward to celebrating great behavior! Next week our schedule of "specials" changes so we now have library on Tuesdays, music on Thursdays, and P.E. on Fridays. 

If anyone would like to volunteer to speak to our class on college and career day, please contact me! This weeks secret word is proficiency. Thursday at 2:50 we will be having a small harvest party. Students may bring in a treat to share with the class. Please remember the schools policy on treats (call the front office if you have questions) and keep in mind that treats should not contain nuts.

Thanks for all that you do!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Working Hard & Having Fun!

What a great week in room 9! Everyone worked incredibly hard this week. In math we dived into multiplication. During health we learned about the negative impacts from tobacco use and in social studies we learned about the regions of Oregon. We also worked on our keyboarding skills and learned how to read a text closely. 

One of the most rewarding parts of the week was when students put together the final drafts of their "birthday" writing. Wow! Our class is becoming quite the group of writers. It is amazing to see the growth that has taken place over such little time! 

College & Career Day is Tuesday, October 29th. If you or someone you know would like to come speak to our class please let me know! I am also looking for volunteers that day for the 4th grade No Refferal Party.       Please let me know if you can help or donate a small treat. 

This weeks secret word is work. Thanks for supporting your child's education!

Things You Need To Know:

The box top brunch/bake sale is Wednesday October 23rd from 8:30-10 AM in the cafeteria.

No school this Friday

The soccer kick around starts is thisTuesday after school until 5 PM. Students must have a signed permission slip form to attend.

Help them to hope penny drive is still going on, bring those pennies!

We still are looking for ideas or $ to help purchase an iPad for our classroom.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Busy, busy, busy!

We have had a busy week and there are so many things I want to share! 

We have been working hard this week! Ask your students about onomatopoeia hooks and similes. We have been developing our writing to make it very interesting for our readers! In math we have been working on division and will be having a test on Monday. In health we studied the importance of sleep! Sudents then presented what they learned in the form of a skit. Thank you so much for your assistance in filling out our sleep journals. We were also privileged to have Ms. Fennwick teach a lesson on bullying. 

Next week is a full week of school! Please remind your child to complete his/her daily math and reading homework. Homework packets go home Monday and should be returned Friday. Students will also be attending the Young People's Concert on October 24th. A dollar donation to attend the Young People's Concert is greatly appreciated and your child may bring it anytime beforehand. 

College and career day is rapidly approaching. Please encourage your child to continue being safe, respectful, and responsible so he/she can attend the non-referral celebration. This months party is being hosted by me and I would LOVE some parent help! I would like to do an activity related to fall, possible have students make "pumpkin pie" in a bag. Please get in touch with me if you can help with this! 

The last thing I wanted to share is that I am looking to purchase a used iPad for instructional use in our classroom. The PTO has generously donated $200 for me to use in our room and I would like to put that towards an iPad. I have priced them on eBay and we are going to need at least seventy more dollars and then a case and stylist purchased as well. If anyone has any fundraising ideas, (maybe a pop can drive?) or is willing to donate/help with this it would be greatly appreciated! 

This weeks secret word is sleep. Thank you for all that you do!

Things You Need to Know-

The box top brunch/bake sale is Wednesday October 23rd from 8:30-10 AM in the cafeteria

The soccer kick around starts this Tuesday after school until 5 PM. Students must have a signed permission slip form to attend.

Ontario public library night is Tuesday the 15th

Help them to hope penny drive is still going on, bring those pennies!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Conference Week!

It's conference time already? Oh my goodness this year is flying by at warp speed! Conference time is one of my favorite things. It is thrilling to see students excitedly sharing their learning, growth, and accomplishments. A huge thanks to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to support their student! It was wonderful meeting everyone and I look forward to meeting those who were unable to come. 

Due to conferences, this last week was a short one. We wrapped up our topic 3 math test on multiplication and will begin learning about basic division next week. Language groups also began on Tuesday. Remind your child to read each week night; students who turn in reading logs will receive a free pizza as part of the book it program from Pizza Hut!

Things you need to know:

No school next Friday (Oct. 11th) for Staff Development

Help them to Hope penny drive has started-bring in those pennies!

This weeks secret word is: conference 

Have your student share the secret word with me to receive a gator buck :)

Thanks for all that you do! 

Friday, September 27, 2013


The theme this week is collaboration! The class has been working together fantastically! This amazing group of students have formed together as one strong learning community. In writing we have been working side by side, sorting details and forming paragraphs with strong verbs and descriptive attributes. 

We also were able to celebrate being safe, respectful, and responsible at the Gator Buck Store. Students receive Gator Bucks for being safe, respectful, and responsible and then on College & Career Day each month they get the opportunity to go shopping at the Gator Store. The class also can receive "Class Gators" for great behavior and after receiving ten we have some sort of celebration. Today we celebrated 10 Class Gators with a computer game party. Celebrating success sure is fun!

This year at Aiken we will also be having a monthly celebration for students who have not received any referrals that month. This will take place on College & Carrer Day. Students whom receive one or more referrals will attend a class during this time to help them work on becoming a Greater Gator. Keep encouraging your students to be safe, respectful, and responsible! The fourth grade is also working on a Great Behavior Goal of not receiving more than 99 referrals as a group. I know if they work as a team they can do it! 

A few things to remember:

Next week are conferences! I look forward to seeing you!

Cookie dough orders need to be turned in October 1st.

I am looking for speakers to come talk to our class on the next College & Career Day.

This weeks secret word is collaboration! 

A successful trip to the Gator Store! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Busy Week

This week was a fast one for me. Unfortunately, I had to miss the last half of the school week to attend a funeral service. I am so greatful to have an excellent group of students that have welcomed and adjusted to having a guest teacher while I am gone. They truly are an amazing group of kids! 

On Tuesday we celebrated and learned about Constitution Day, be sure and ask your students what Constitution Day is all about. We also had our first Master of Multiplication test. Several students are very close to becoming Masters of Multiplication. We must all keep working hard at memorizing our facts. I cannot stress the importance of this enough.

Next week College & Career Day is on Friday. If anyone is interested in coming and speaking to our class please email me at  Next week students will also be starting language groups. 

This weeks secret word is, Constitution. Thank you so much for supporting your child's education, I look forward to teaching them next week!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Another Great Week!

I can't believe how fast the weeks are flying by! The year is off to a wonderful start and our learning community is really coming together nicely. This week we continued to collaborate together with the other fourth grade class on the solar oven project. The students first tested their ovens and then created a re-design and tested again. 100 percent of students achieved success with their re-design! The highest temperature recorded at 101.6 degrees Fahrenheit!

A big thanks to those who were able to make it to the multiplication class, I know it was well worth your time! We continue to work each day on being able to quickly recall our multiplication facts. This week we also had our first math test. Students are tracking their pre and post tests so we can celebrate learning gains and success! 

Calling all volunteers! If you are available to volunteer please get the proper paperwork filled out and turned into the office. We will have some volunteer opportunities coming up and I am looking forward to working with you!

Stuff You Need to Know- 

Starting in October there will be a monthly reward/celebration for students that do not receive a referral all month. Encourage your students to continue being safe, respectful, and responsible. 

College and Career Day is September 27th and if you would like to come be a guest speaker in our classroom please email or call me! 

This weeks secret word is "reward." :-) 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Open House

Open house was a great success! A huge thanks to everyone who was able to come visit room 9. If you were unable to come I look forward to meeting with you at conferences! It was wonderful to see students excitedly sharing what they have been learning. The solar oven project is a favorite! 

Please take a look around our classroom blog. I will be making a post each week and invite you and your child to regularly check it. I have added some links to popular educational sites and strongly encourage students to regularly use these. 

This week I would like to share with you the importance of your child learning his/her multiplication facts. I cannot stress the importance of knowing these facts enough! A child should be able to say a fact as quickly as he/she can answer their name. 

Each morning we have been working on our multiplication facts and we also have a "fact of the day" that we work to memorize. One way you can help support your child is by asking them the "fact of the day" each night. We also play games and use other strategies to help memorize our facts. Ask your child to teach you to play and help them practice. Together we can help your child become successful at multiplication facts.

Next week you and your child will have the opportunity to attend a multiplication fact class taught by the wonderful Mr. Wyborney. Students that attend will receive 7 gator bucks from me! This is an event you won't want to miss!  This class will be on Thursday September 12th and starts at 6:30 PM. 

I also would like to encourage students to be regularly reading our class blog. Each week I will have some type of code word or fact. If your child comes and tells me the code or fact he/she will receive 1 gator buck. Hint: This weeks word is italicized. :) 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Week 1- Solar Ovens!

It is hard to believe week one has came and gone. Apparently time really does fly when you are having fun! Room 9 is filled with such an amazing group of young people. This week we have been working on many things. We continue to practice our important routines and procedures as we dive into our learning. 

One of the most exciting things we have been working on are solar ovens for our scientific engineering and design project. For this project we have teamed up with the other 4th grade classroom and are working together in teams. The entire 4th grade is learning about solar energy, thermal energy, mechanical energy, and chemical energy. After completing an experiment students found that the color black absorbs the most sunlight and that a clear lid allows heat to be trapped into a container the best.

All students have been given the problem: An earthquake has destroyed homes and buildings. Design a solar oven that will bake and cook food. Students are hard at work in teams designing and building their ovens. Next week we will put their ovens to the test!

Friday, August 23, 2013

First Day of School

It is done! The first day jitters are officially out of the way! Today was a fabulous first day of school. It was wonderful meeting each child and getting to know more about him/her. We started off the day with a fun word scramble game. Many students from our class went (mpacign), (gfhsnii), and to the (ifra) this summer. Have you figured out the scrambled words yet? If you guessed camping, fishing, and to the fair then give yourself a pat on the back! Students also learned about similarities and differences. In room 9 we all have many similarities as well as differences; we celebrate them both! Our day also included a school tour (we have a new computer lab) as well the practicing of all routines and procedures. A fantastic day was had by all!

I can not begin to explain how excited I am to be serving you and your students. We have an exciting year ahead and I can't wait! Next week we will jump right in and let the fun continue!

Can you guess what I did this summer?

Just ask your child if you can't figure it out!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome Back!

Fall is just around the corner and its's that time again; the back to school hustle has began! Feeling a bit anxious myself I have already been preparing everything for the young vibrant minds set to walk through my door. As we transition from summer to school I am eager to get to know each one of my students and his or her learning style. It is my greatest hope to ignite each student with a passion for learning. 

I also couldn't be more excited and gracious to be part of the tech connect project. This wonderful opportunity has not only provided my classroom the use of an iPad mini but an avenue to enrich learning and communication through the use of this blog. I look forward to serving you and your child on this wonderful journey; welcome to Mrs. Creason's 4th grade class! 

A sneak peak into room 9